Thursday, 17 September 2015


For my music video, I will need 2-3 different actors/actresses such as someone to play the little girl in the beginning, someone similar in appearance yet older to act her ten years later and a possible ghost/stalker.

Little Girl
Due to a lacking choice in actresses of the correct age, I only have one choice of actress to play the little girl in my music video. This means I will have to choose my second actress carefully in order to find someone who looks like the younger girl.
Ollie is an appropriate choice for a number of reasons, for example, she is pale which gives her a ghostly appearance. In addition, almost white skin can work to my advantage on the symbolism side of things due to white being symbolic of purity which is exactly the kind of image I am trying to create for the young girl. She also has large eyes which gives an appearance of being younger and more innocent than she actually is. Innocence is an important thing to portray in my younger actress because she is meant to contrast the horror movie theme of the music video. This contrast will make the frightful aspect stand out more as a whole and will also evoke a feeling of fear in the audience for the young girl.

Girl Ten Years Later
My older actress will have to look similar to Olivia due to my lack of other actors to play the young girl. For example, dark hair and pale skin will be some main features I need to match up.
Monaya could be a good actress for my video for a multitude of reasons, for example, she does Theatre Studies, therefore meaning she will be a more talented actress than someone who has never acted before. This would be useful in giving my video a more professional feel as opposed to seeming amateurish due to a lack of talented actresses.
Although Monaya has the appropriate dark hair, there are a number of reasons she wouldn't work as the actress for the older girl. For example, her darker skin does not suggest she has been trapped in a haunted house for ten years. In addition, her facial features do match or look similar to that of Olivia and therefore she does not look like an older version of her.

I originally began considering Millie because she is Olivia's sister and therefore I felt they should have at least a little resemblance, however, I feel that the slight resemblance is not enough. There will need to be a closer similarity between the two in order for the audience to easily assume that both are the same person.

Originally I wanted to avoid using myself as an actress for my video, however, due to lacking other options, I found I was the only person who looked similar to Olivia. The main points of similarity are our hair length/colour and pale skin, these are important aspects because they will be the most noticeable and therefore make us appear more like the same person to the audience.
If I use myself as an actress I will have to do a large amount of my filming on a tripod as I won't be able to hold the camera myself. This will still work to my advantage because a tripod will keep my camera still, something necessary if I am to make it look as though the younger girl is becoming (transitioning into) the older version of herself (a switch between actresses).

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