Saturday, 1 August 2015

Survey Results - Collection and Analysis

"How old are you?"

To help me decide on my target audience, I asked about the survey taker's age. 55 out 78 answered 13 - 18, this shows that most who take an interest in music videos are in this age group and so this should be the age group I aim my music video at to get the largest possible audience.
This means I will have to involve certain elements which appeal to this audience.

"What is your gender?"

In order to find out if there were a specific gender I needed to aim my music video at, I asked the audience their gender. This revealed that 62 out 78 (79.49%) of those interested in music videos were female. This means that the most successful target audience would be teenage females.

 "Which genre of music are you most interested in?"

To find out which genre has the largest audience and therefore most successful target audience, I asked about favourite genre. To get the most most accurate response, I posted this survey on a number of music pages and social medias.
The response I received, however, could be due to rock lovers taking a larger interest in the survey.
Be that as it may, I have decided to aim my music video at those interested in the genre of rock because rock received the majority at 58 out of 78 responses (74.36%).

"Who is your favourite band/singer/musician?"

I asked this question so that I would have some clear examples of the rock bands that people are interested in. This will give me some clear examples of the kinds of music videos people like and will also help inspire my own music video and the appearances of my own band members. In using inspiration from other bands, I will be able to make sure my music video is easily identifiable as rock.

"How often do you watch music videos?"

I decided to use text box response for this question because there is no specific time that music videos are released and so how often people watch music videos will vary.
I found that most people watch music videos daily or a few times a week which proves them to be popular amongst those who responded to my survey therefore making this a secure target audience. In addition, I received responses such as "only when they come out" which shows that there is also an interest in new music videos as opposed to older music videos. This will be beneficial to me because there will also be people who consider themselves 'cutting-edge' that will watch my music video because it is new.

"On which platform do you consume music videos?"

In response to this question, I received a majority in favour of YouTube. As 90.91% of people already use YouTube as their main platform for watching music videos, YouTube is the obvious platform for me to share my music video.

 "In your opinion, what are the elements of a successful music video?"

To assist me in deciding on the main points of focus for my music video, I asked my audience which elements they felt were successful in a music video in order to give me an idea of what people prefer to see in music videos.
I found that an almost equal number of people preferred music videos with narrative and performance. Due to this response, I am going to add performance scenes into my mainly narrative music video idea as this will make it more appealing to my audience.